Member Monday - Featuring: Pardes Seleh


Pardes in Malibu - Photo by Peter Duke




“This organization single handedly changed my life”



Pardes Seleh formerly resided in Washington, D.C. writing full time for politicians, until the pandemic when she moved  to Austin, Texas. This move led to a series of events that changed her life forever.


Pardes in Colombia


Pardes always liked the idea of working remotely and having more freedom to travel and a more flexible schedule, but like for many aspiring nomads, it can be difficult to take that leap. 

At the start of the pandemic, Pardes was able to buy her first property and use a tactic called “house hacking.” She rented out the other two rooms of her new home, to help counter the costs she was paying monthly. This went better than expected, so she was able to purchase a second rental property—helping her get closer to her goals of financial freedom and the lifestyle she wanted to achieve. However, life happens, and she ended up having a lot of unexpected expenses pop-up & extra construction that had to be done, leaving this MBA student & business owner working extra shifts at a restaurant just to get by.

She joined Nomad Nation this past year, and wasn’t able to go on the Cartagena trip due to the construction at her properties, but she did make it to the Tulum event. During our trip, Pardes was surrounded by members of the organization doing exactly what she wanted to do, and realized she didn’t need to wait to start living the life she wanted. She was able to learn and take advice from members during the trip which she suggests were pivotal in her reaching her goals. After eventually finishing her second property, she realized she was able to rent her own place and reduce her expenses enough to work remotely in more affordable locations around world.

After these trips with Nomad Nation, inspiration from some of the members, guidance from the NOMAD team, and hard work, Pardes now is now traveling full-time with two rental properties up and running smoothly, a real estate investment fund, and a Music app in the works. She is currently with her partner in Colombia, enjoying trying new food, exploring, and learning some dance moves on the way. 

During our trip Pardes was surrounded by members of the organization doing exactly what she wanted to do, and realized she didn’t need to wait to start living the life she wanted.
— Pardes

Her advice to anyone pursuing real estate or anything they are new to is to “not feel bad when you get told no. It takes time to see results, but have faith in what you’re doing. I felt bad when I didn’t succeed in other traditional jobs, and it is because it wasn’t what I was meant for.”

Lastly, Pardes is extremely excited about the growth of the NOMAD organization she has seen while she has been a member and can’t wait to see the first community up and running. She is excited about “the inclusion of smart home technology in the properties and the innovative concept behind these communities.”


Follow Pardes by clicking these links below!

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